Guildline Instruments Limited 6622T-XP

DCC Temperature Bridge Extended Performance . Specify Bench Unit (Front...

GSA Schedule / 150 Days

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Rohde & Schwarz 1532.3870.02


PWC200 software bundle consisting of: Transfer simulation and calibration Path...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 1159.5970.02


Path calibration and extended self test for TS8950G

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 1159.5970.52


Path calibration and extended self test for TS8955

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

TEGAM Inc. 1372B

AC Ratio Transformer Calibrator, Automated, (1372A w/o DT-72 standard)

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Fluke Calibration 4185624


Oil Deadweight Tester, 4000 Bar

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Fluke Calibration 4185649


Oil Deadweight Tester, 400 Mpa

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Fluke Calibration 4185636


Oil Deadweight Tester, 60k Psi

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 1801.3720.02


Bandwidth upgrade to 13 GHz for R&SRTP064 incl. calibration, in R&S service...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Rohde & Schwarz 1801.3759.02


Bandwidth upgrade to 16 GHz for R&SRTP084 incl. calibration, in R&S service...

GSA Schedule / 22 Weeks

Show Price

Fluke Calibration 3935770


Adts Model 7750i-801, Ps: 100 In Hg Abs, Qc: 68 In Hg Diff

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Fluke Calibration 3935781


Adts Model 7750i-802, Ps: 32 In Hg Abs, Qc: 68 In Hg Diff

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Fluke Calibration 3935801


Adts Model 7750i-804, Ps: 32 In Hg Abs, Qc: 32 In Hg Diff

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Fluke Calibration 3935820


Adts Model 7750i-806, Ps: 68 In Hg Abs, Qc: 68 In Hg Diff

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Fluke Calibration 3935796


Adts Model 7750i-803, Ps: 40 In Hg Abs, Qc: 68 In Hg Diff

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Fluke Calibration 3935812


Adts Model 7750i-805, Ps: 40 In Hg Abs, Qc: 32 In Hg Diff

Open Market / 6 Weeks

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0804B-R-50C-016-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price


WAVEPULSER-40IX + WAVEPULSER-SI-STUDIO-NRZ + Adaptors and Calibration Kit

GSA Schedule / 8 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1102B-R-50C-011-MU-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1004B-R-50C-011-MU-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1104B-R-50C-011-MU-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR0804A-R-50C-016-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1004A-R-50C-011-MU-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. F8800ARF2-R-47F-036-D

Three year maintenance repair and Accredited Calibration

GSA Schedule / 27 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. F8800ARF1-R-47F-060-C

Five year maintenance repair and Standard Calibration

GSA Schedule / 27 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1102A-R-50C-011-MU-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1104A-R-50C-021-5

ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1004A-R-50C-021-5

ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1104A-R-50C-011-MU-5

Keysight Calibration + Uncertainties - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. UXR1102A-R-50C-021-5

ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration - 5 years

GSA Schedule / 7 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. F8820AC04-R-47F-036-D

Three year maintenance repair and Accredited Calibration

GSA Schedule / 27 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. F8800A-R-47F-060-D

Five year maintenance repair and Accredited Calibration

GSA Schedule / 27 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F04

Frequency Upgrade from 3.6 to 44 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F15

Frequency Upgrade from 43/44 to 50 GHz, includes 50 GHz preamp, installation,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9010BU-F14

Frequency upgrade from 26.5 to 44 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9010BU-F15

Frequency upgrade from 32 to 44 GHz, includes 44 GHz preamp, installation,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9010BU-F04

Frequency upgrade from 3.6 to 32 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9032BU-F12

Frequency Upgrade from 13.6 to 50 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1 yr...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F20

Frequency Upgrade from 26.5 to 44 GHz, currently with B5X, inc. install,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F26

Frequency Upgrade from 26.5 to 44 GHz, currently with B2X, inc. install,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N4377A-S40

Lightwave Detector 40 GHz, single mode, 1310/1550 nm Calibration

GSA Schedule / 6 Weeks

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Keysight Technologies Inc. N9020BU-F04

Frequency upgrade from 3.6 to 32 GHz, includes installation, calibration, 1...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F08

Frequency Upgrade 8.4 to 44 GHz, without B2X or B5X, inc. install, calibration,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F14

Frequency Upgrade 26.5 to 50 GHz, without B2X or B5X, inc. install,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

Show Price

Keysight Technologies Inc. N9030BU-F12

Frequency Upgrade 13.6 to 50 GHz, without B2X or B5X, inc. install,...

GSA Schedule / 3 Weeks

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Tektronix RSA5BUP-B16X

165 MHz Acquisition Bandwidth (From 25 MHz), hardware, service installed,...

Open Market / 8 Weeks

Tektronix RSA5BUP-B85HD-25

High dynamic range, 85 MHz acquisition bandwidth. From 25 MHz BW, hardware,...

Open Market / 8 Weeks

Tektronix RSA5BUP-B16XHD-40

High dynamic range, 165 MHz acquisition bandwidth. From 40 MHz BW, hardware,...

Open Market / 8 Weeks
